
Our promises to you

Whenever you contact us with your feedback, good or bad, you can be assured we will:

Check how we deal with your complaints

If you’re raising a concern, or are thinking about it, it’s important you know what to expect and what the outcome might be.

Our Complaints Leaflet [PDF] explains how to complain, the stages of our process and what we can do.

You can find more information about how we deal with complaints here.

Let us put things right

If something has gone wrong, let us know what’s happened. We’ll talk through your problem informally and do our best to fix it quickly. Talking through your problem might be quicker and less stressful than starting the formal complaint process

If you don’t want to talk informally or it doesn’t help, tell us and we will deal with your problem as a formal complaint.

Make a complaint

You can make a complaint if you’re not happy:

Please say if you need any extra support when we contact you, for example larger font size.